Wednesday, November 11, 2009

my birthday...etc

So, let me start by apologizing for not keeping up with this thing - I feared I wouldnt. Once I get too far behind I feel like I don't know where to start for a new blog and just keep puting it off. I'm such a procrastinator...Which sucks because I'm not getting nearly enough wedding stuff done. (Dec. 7th, save the date!)
Anyway, my 21st birthday was Nov. 4th and it was amazing! I didn't get too many pics but I'll post the ones I have. it started this way:
-Starbucks in bed
-Our first date all over again starting with my favorite sushi place in down town fort worth
-Followed by the botanical gardens. I once told Ryan that when I was little I went to the botanical gardens on a field trip and decided then that I wanted to get married in the rose gardens, but since we are having a Dec wedding it isn't possible. So, he took me there and proposed! My ring is so beautiful

-After that I got a CAR from Ryan's dad. Which totally rocks btw. We named her Zelda.

-Then We went out to eat and then to a Stars game. Afterwards I went to Mike Modano's bar and met the guy. Pretty sweet, eh? Did I mention the Yankees won the world series?

-Finally we went back to a family friend's house and hung out there to unwind for an hour or two. Probably the best day of my life

We've been keeping very busy now that we are back in the states. I start my job tomorrow at Chilis in fort worth, and Ryan is doing some leather work out of the garage to make ends meet. We're both in a really good place in our lives and we can't wait to see what God has in store for us next!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Saying goodbye to SA - Ryan Emery

I woke up this morning realizing that this will be the last full day I will have in the great God fearing country of South Africa... This morning involved waking up to the inspiring words of a Donald Miller book, "Through Painted Deserts" then to a very moving time of Worship to prepare for the last service we would attend at Mbonisweni. I caught myself asking God to show up in every way possible to make this service the most memorable of them all. I have to admit I was a little nervous about playing a couple of new songs I wrote this morning. I wanted so badly to play the best I ever have and wanted to leave these people with something special that they would always remember. But I realized that its not about what I can show these people or what memories I can leave with them; Its about sharing in the presence of God and praising our creator as equals. If there is only one thing that I take from here it is that I have changed my attitude about what I have to offer this world. Before when entering the different communities I would think to myself that I am going to play with this kid better then anyone else ever has or I am going to bring these people something they have never seen or felt. Quickly realizing that I couldn't offer any life changing advice or materialistic object but I could share the love that our Father has shared with all of us from day one. Gods gift of love is is the most influential thing in my life and is the number one thing I want share with anybody I come in contact with.
I have enjoyed learning and growing with these kids spiritually. Learning how to work through the language barriers and trying to understand each others life morals, when it came down to it we could always talk about the joy that God has put in our life and how that is the most important thing to us.

South Africa, I will always remember you and I will take a piece of you for the rest of my life. Everything from the strong women and volunteers in the communities to the amazing youth group in Mbonisweni have all invested time and love into me and I want to thank you for that. Pastor Stimbiso, God has amazing plans for you and the body of Christ. Watching how you are affecting the lives of many people in your community and how it is flooding outward as well. I pray blessings and favor on you and your beautiful new family. I love you and can't wait to come back and see where God has taken you to the next great thing. South Africa Saligassi!
-Ryan Emery

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Photo Credits

Photo Credits for my new blog banner in addition to many other photos used on this blog to my sister, Rae Dunn. :) Love ya lady.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

When one door closes...

They say when one door closes God opens a window. I have to say that this is certainly proving true in my life in this moment. I came to Africa with little expectation and it got into my blood, my heart and soul in a way that I was not prepared for. Although I feel that it was right to cut our trip short to start a new chapter in life, I don't feel like any of this was in vain. Africa has changed me to my core and I will never be the same again. I love the pace of life here; taking the time to have a cup of tea with a friend will always come first before business (so naturally, relationship comes before timeliness.) I love the song that God has placed in every Africans heart and how singing comes just as naturally to them as regular conversation. I have to say what has truly inspired me that most about Africa is the thankfulness that the strong women of this continent have in the Lord to get them through any trial in their lives. The respect and love that they have for God is such a beautiful and awe inspiring thing that it has humbled me in a way that I desperately needed. My heart breaks for the children when I think about what they go home to every night; an empty stomach, a crowded one room house, no running water... It's hard to let these thoughts go on for too long when I take the time to look into their eyes and see the broad smile that stretches across their faces because they're happy to see me and they're happy to be alive.
Yes, my departure is bitter-sweet. I am leaving my short life here behind me for now to hopefully pick up again soon as a married woman with my loving husband by my side to embrace the world with me. We are at a place in our lives where God has a blank canvas in front of us and we can do anything. We have very few belongings, even less money and all the freedom that money can't buy. We have big dreams to travel the world and make a difference by following the hand that leads us. We wont linger long when we return home; we have the whole world to learn from! I don't believe I have ever been so liberated and thankful.
I am absolutely in love with it all.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wedding Bells...

Big News! Ryan and I will be back in the states on October 21st until the begining of January! We've been praying together and seperately and we feel like it's time for us to take the next step in our relationship and get married. I can't explain the path that God has put us both on, but it's like once He shows us something, and we submit to it, everything happens so quickly! We're both really excited and are in the process of working out all the details now; pre-marital couceling, rings, photography, cake...the list is a mile long. Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare for the next big step in our lives. We love you all so much and CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The fine line between patience and anxious

Lately Ryan and I have been on the brink of something big. Africa has brought us closer to eachother and closer to God, ironically, by being seperated. We feel that God has put us "on the fast track" so to speak from the very begining. We gave our lives to Him, and then always very suddenly, the next step is a big one; ie, moving to Africa.

He's speaking to us now about new unfamilair things that we are so excited about. I sometimes have a hard time remembering that God is a loving God. I always think I don't deserve to be happy and I don't deserve His love, which of course I don't. Then he always shows me that is Gracious anyway and loves me for what I am, sins and all. He'll take me where I am no matter how dark a hole it may be, and help me out of it. All I can say for sure, is things are good. I can't stop smiling and I'm so excited about the future.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Caught Up

I would say the last week, maybe two, I'm starting to get off track. Just a little I've been quite sick on and off since I've arrived over two months ago and I tend to hibernate in my bed to recover. I feel too weak to leave and my feeble stomach does me no favors. When I rise from my illness it takes all my spare time to get caught up on the tasks at hand and finish what I have committed to.

I'm getting to a point where I am losing the bright sense of joy that Africa has put on my heart and that endearing sense of belonging is slowly starting to escape me. I'm spending more time mourning the loss of my relationships back home than I am pursuing new ones with the people who are in association with me here. I never find myself in the mood to talk or be deliberate with anyone anymore. I'm slowly receding further into the furniture and losing the will to move forward. That's not to say I have regrets about my decision to embrace Africa as my new environment or that I don't love the people I work in community with; I am simply losing my motivation little by little and my heart is beginning to call home. I should have been ready for this, I should have known that it was impossible for me to avoid these feelings after the first few months of being here. I've been praying for God to speak into my life and remind me of what is truly important. I told Him I'd give Him everything, and He told me He would make it far worth my while. I cannot continue to stay focused on a chapter in my life that I have ended, I must look forward and prepare for what lies ahead. The more time I spend looking behind me, the longer it will be before I see the big picture. I have been called to be here, and I see it in a child's smile. I see it on the beautiful breezy days and at dinner with my family. I feel a sense of belonging no matter how hard I try to fight with it. I know that this is where God wants me, it's just a matter of being submissive to Him and allowing Him to use me as His vessel.

However, today the sun is shining and it's warming the ground. The plants are a new shade of green and the brightly colored African lizards are playing on the front porch. It's fairly quiet here on base, as Sundays generally are and after two days of ill hibernation, I'm reminded of the beauty that Africa holds in it's soul. I'm feeling blessed to be a part of it, and while I still don't really feel like talking, I'm sure I'll come around. It's a process as I'm slowly beginning to figure out and you never get to where you're going. You just continue to get closer, then step back maybe even take a running leap forward before you fall down again. The beautiful part of it all is that God never leaves us on the ground. His hand is always extended to help us back on our feet. I'm choosing to hold onto it and follow Him where he leads me.

[photo credits to Jen price]

Friday, August 21, 2009

10k Tues Preview.

Water is a precious commodity in any culture or community in the world. Sometimes we don’t value it, as every time we turn on the tap, wash our clothes, bathe, or flush our toilets clean water comes out with no problem and no hesitation, but here in Africa, water is precious and valued as such.
In the local communities, big tanks truck in water and people stand all day in long lines waiting for their turn to fill up their jugs. In the community of Mbonisweni, there is a small pool of dirty water used for washing, bathing, and cooking. Boiling water for drinking is a foreign concept, as it takes too much effort to heat it over a fire and wood is scarce. People become ill, children get sick and often die, because of something most of the Western world takes for granted.
Creative Action:
Every time you turn on the tap to get a glass of water, wash your clothes, or take a shower, remember how blessed you are and pray for the water situation in Africa. Pray for new wells to be built in Mbonisweni and Kabokweni. Pray for government intervention and a sustainable solution.
Thank you for your participation! We’d love to hear any stories or comments you may have, so take a minute and post on our discussion board.

[by: Brittany Deniston]

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Throw down.

Tonight my little sister challenged my boyfriend to a throw down. She put on the proper attire and got prepared to get beat by a guy in a pink shirt*. =)

*footnote: Sorry about the visuals...forgot the "R"

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Maker - DMB

Oh, Oh Deep water
Black, and cold like the night
I stand with arms wide open
I've run a twisted mile
I'm a stranger
in the eyes of the Maker
I could not see for fog in my eyes
I could not feel
for the fear in my life
From across the great divide
In the distance i saw a light
John Baptist
walking to me with the Maker
My body is bent and broken
by long and dangerous sleep
I can work the fields of Abraham
and turn my head away
I'm not a stranger
in the hands of the Maker
Brother John
Have you seen the homeless daughters
standing therewith broken wings
I have seen the flaming swords
there over east of eden
burning in the eyes of the Maker
burning in the eyes of the Maker
burning in the eyes of the Maker
burning in the eyes of the Maker
oh river rise from your sleep....
[photo credits to Jen Price]

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Baking Love

For the last week or so I've suddenly found an interest in baking. Aside from buying a box of cake mix or a tube of cookie dough, I've never really made anything before and never had an interest to try. There's something about Africa that has inspired me to try new things and find interest in things I've never before considered, like baking and knitting. I've made two batches of muffins, a banana Cinnamon oatmeal batch and an apple raisin batch, neither of which was too bad for my first few attempts if I do say so myself. Also, I've been trying my hand at baking fresh bread, the hard way without a bread maker. My first two tries weren't so great, I just couldn't get the technique down and my bread was not rising in the sun, but today I made some with sweet basil and I got it to work. I felt so accomplished when it came out of the oven looking (and tasting) exactly the way it was supposed to. I want to try new things, so as soon as we get some money for ingredients I'll keep experimenting with new recipes. I really love the way Africa has brought out this new side of me. I came here hoping this the trip would make me more adventurous, and it surprised me at the ways it has done just that. When I think "adventurous" I certainly don't think of baking muffins and knitting squares, but it's given me the inspiration to try my hand at something new and see it through. It's teaching me what the word process is all about, and I'm really enjoying the time with God and the way He speaks to me when I try something new. Plus there's no better way to make someone feel welcome than to make them something good to eat :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Community Will Prevail

Today I finally had a chance to sit back and think about the last couple of days. With the death of a mother in the community of Mbonisweni and preparing for the arrival of multiple teams over the next couple of months I haven't taken the time to step back and look at what God is doing in my life and all around me.

Looking back and seeing a mother of two, the oldest Sipo a 15yr old boy and Kathiway an 11yr old girl, pass away just a few weeks after a team from Orlando constructed them a new house was hard to understand the reasoning of God's plan. Spending time out at the build site was such a blessing in so many ways. Not only was I able to be apart of giving a family a house with a roof not made out of tarp and walls made of tin but also able to build a relationship with this family and knowing that when this house is finished I will still be around to see them enjoy it. But trying to understand God's reasoning for taking the mother of these two children soon after a "Home" was being established I soon realized was selfish. It is not my place to understand why but just to have faith and know that his plan is way bigger then I could ever imagine.

Sipo is at a time in his life where the transition of being a boy and becoming a young man is crucial. There is no time to learn how this is done now, just to do! He is now responsible for feeding the mouths and providing safety for him and his sister. But hes not alone! He has recently seen the powers of God and what he is capable of. Giving him a huge blessing with a home but meanwhile taking his mother from him. Since the house was erected he has been involved with the youth group at Pastor Stimbiso's church and has joined the choir. His little sister has also been showing up at one of the feeding programs always with a beautiful smile on her face.

Mongoliso (My South African Roommate) and I heard of the mother passing away and went that night to go stay with the kids. Since both Mongoliso and I have lost a parent as kids we where hoping to bring a little insight or just a little affection. We ended up just sitting around a fire passing around some water and Popsicles laughing at the awkward language barrier. At the end of the night we all gathered in the house and prayed. As the kids were lying down for bed we heard Sipo praying on his own in his room. It was a beautiful thing since he was so new to self prayer. The next morning they woke with smiles and ready to eat wich I had prepared them some bread and jam with hot water to wash before school. I packed them lunches and on we were to school. After about a 5K walk to school we said Saligasie (Good Buy and have a nice day) we continued back to the house hoping the kids would have a good day.

A couple days before the funeral Sipo was unable to be found. Wondering why he would leave after the community, church , friends, and family all gathered everyday to help with anything possible he just left. Pastor Stimbiso and Mongoliso held prayer meetings every night before the funeral. It was great to be apart of such a Godly Gathering. The night before the funeral Sipo showed up back at home. What a relief!

The Funeral held place at the house at 6am. Seeing everyone who had put so much time and effort into this family all coming together at once to share in the joy and sorrow of this day had more of an imact on me then I was ready for. People from another community asked to be picked up so they could also come just because they heard of how the community was coming together through this family. As the service ended with prayer and songs they loaded the body into the back a truck and started up the hill to the cemetery with all the women following singing and dancing all the way. When we arrived at the cemetery which sat at the top of a mountain side you could feel the presence of God. Yeah He was there! With a view of hazy fog trickling down two mountain sides that flowed into a river like valley of plush forest and the sun was just ascending over a mountain side far in the distance. As everybody chimed in with song and prayer my emotions started to overcome me. I saw Sipo there staring at his mothers coffin with a blank stare on his face. No emotion whats so ever. I couldn't help think of my step fathers funeral and what i could imagine being the same feeling. Helpless knowing now that you have to step up and be the man of the house. Being afraid of what to do or who to go to when things get tough.
I was truly honored to be apart of the burial. Shoveling dirt with the other men was a blessing in disquise. I thought i would be out of place. Not welcome in a way. But it was the exact opposite. As i was digging I caught the eyes of the other men and they were shocked but grateful that a white man would get dirty and be apart of this. After the cerimony was over the men came to shake my hand and thanks for the help. At that moment i realized that all race barriers and stature aside meant nothing when it comes to helping the poeple that you love. When you come together and a share love with one another it comes from God and God shows you that love through other people around you.

I'm still here a couple days later after the funeral wondering how the kids will do on there own. I keep forgeting they are not alone. God, the community, and myself are all here and not going anywhere. If they need anything God will provide. I'm hoping to do another overnight with the kids soon so please keep them in your prayers and remember that God has ways of showing his plans to you, just throw away all your preconceived ideas and he will show up.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

My Top 5 Favorite Things at the Moment:

Every Morning I have a cup of this with honey and I've got to say, it's the best part of waking up! It's got tons of caffine and it's helped me kick the coffee habbit.

I'm just learning how to knit, but I've put a big project in front of me. I'm making 48 11"x11" sqaures sewn together in different patterns to make a large blanket. This was inspired by "Knit a Sqaure", a campagne introduced to the women in our community by Jen. Different women sent us sqaures to knit together to make blankets for the orphans in our invested communities. They turned out great and inspired me to try to make one myself. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

I've always loves the T.V. series, but I've never given the book a chance. Carla, my step mother was nice enough to allow me to borrow her copy of THREE books in one. You know what they say, the book is always better :)

This I just bought today and spent over 5 hours writting, drawing etc. I'm really excited about having a new creative outlet and new way to speak to God.

Need I say more?!

Friday, August 7, 2009

what God is saying to me...

After having the opportunity to be in Africa for over two months, I've found that I have a bit more clarity than I was able to find in the states. With my job and bills and every other distraction and temptation that comes with being "home", it was easier for me to tune out what God was trying to speak into my heart. Lately, I've been learning to work on the inside, and everything else has just been falling into place. If I can get what's within me right with Him, that light shines through my inner doubt. I'm learning that God is filling a void inside of me, and He loves to watch me grow.
The mother of the children mentioned in my last blog have played a big role in this last week for me. There's been a buzz around the community about what we can do for the kids and how we can raise the funds for the funeral. All week there have been nightly prayer meetings in her honor in the Mbonisweni community. Last night, Ryan and I had the opportunity to attend and it was so beautiful. Just earlier that day, I had been asking my friend Brittany about her experiences with the holy spirit, and I was beginning to doubt that God would ever show me that side of Him. leave it up to God to show you up, right? I walked into the tent, and the people who loved her were singing with all the passion in their hearts. The holy spirit was among us, and it was all I could do not to cry for the gratefulness I felt in my own heart. Tomorrow we will be attending the funeral ceremony early in the morning, and that evening Ryan and Mongaliso are planning on spening another night with the children. I'll keep you posted on their progress.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Stolen from Rae's Camera...

The sweetest smile.
Montana and I at youth day.
The sign I made for Sandile's birthday party.

African Sky

Ryan's other girlfriend, Zoe

I love Eunice.

These are the beautiful red flowers that are blooming on our trees.

I'm thinking the elephant could take out the car if he really wanted to.

Gracie...with a chip on her head.

Rae and Carla looking lovely.

Ryan and I at God's Window.

What a babe!

Dad, Stanley and Sandile


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Getting there...

I guess you could call this our first "real" blog entry. We've been in South Africa for two months now and for me, reality is sinking further into my skin every day. I wake up every morning and enjoy a hot cup of 5 Rose's chai tea with full cream milk, a dash of sugar and a drizzle of honey. I sit in the quiet and look around me and I'm still taken back by the scenery. We're in the middle of winter and instead of the colors being dull and lifeless, we have blooming red flowers on the trees and for the most part, the grass is still a lovely shade of green. You can see the landscape for miles and every inch of it is breath taking. If I really take a second to be observant, sometimes I can faintly smell the orange groves in the distance; of course that could be my imagination.
Even as I begin to finally settle in to the realization that I actually live here, I still can't help but wonder how I was lucky enough for God to have such big plans for my life. Sometimes I still want to pinch myself to make sure it's all real. Considering where I was 6 months ago, just testing the waters with Him, waiting tables, living in a suburban apartment feeling like I was heading for a dead end at 100 miles an hour, it's almost unbelievable to think that God had taken me so far so quickly. I struggle with not feeling worthy for the big plans He seems to have for me and sometimes I let that hold me back in my walk with Him. It sometimes feels too big for me to carry and for some reason, maybe just being so new to all this, I can't always be ready to trust Him. Silly right? I think we're working on it.
I'm sharing a room with my little sister who's 15, which feels like a whole world away from where I'm at coming from being on my own. It's been a bit of a pride issue with me, giving it all up and coming back to being a child again. On the other hand, and more importantly, it's been really awesome to have a family in them. It's been over ten years since we've all been together. Ten years ago, I didn't want a family and now here I am learning how to be a part of it. They're very gracious to let me back in and it's been quite a wonderful experience getting to know them on such a personal level. There's only so much you can learn about someone on holidays, birthdays, and weekly dinners. We see what's real in one another now and it's been good. I think eventually with their patience and my persistence I'll learn how to survive in a family environment, I'm just trying to find my place there. There isn't a better group of people to do it with, that much I know for sure.
One thing that amazes me in this whole endeavor, is that God loved me enough to let the love of my life come with me to take on this whole new adventure on the other side of the world. Some how it worked out that we could do all of this hand in hand with God right in the middle. It's been hard on us, sometimes it feels like this trip is really beating us up as a couple. God is testing us, it's so hard to have been so close and been put in the position where we have to take a huge step back. We're learning to get accustomed to the change our relationship has been forced to take and we know that if we can make it through this we can make it through anything. We are two incredibly blessed people and we are so grateful.
Although I've got to say, the best thing about all of this is the children. I've found this new side of me that I've never known was buried underneath my semi-hard exterior. When I see these kids, this nurturing, caring need to mother the motherless comes from deep within me. It just takes one smile to completely melt my heart. For instance, two nights ago Ryan spent the night with a few children whose mother had passed away earlier in the day. I tagged along in the evening to spend a couple of hours with them by fire-light. When I arrived I had a somber heart full of pity for the children, but they showed me that nothing can hide the joy of the Lord in a child's heart. There was one girl in particular who truly changed me with her smile. She sat in my lap and sang hymes with me, and it was all I could do to just hold her and rub her back, and it was all she could do to give me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. I swear I saw God in her face, and she reminded me of why I am here. She reminded me that I need Africa more than Africa needs me.
I just want to take a second to truly thank everyone from the bottom of my heart that made this possible for us. It was your love that helped us come to far and your belief in us that helped us to believe in ourselves. We love you, absolutely and completely. Check back soon, I'll try to acually keep up with this thing...

Friday, July 31, 2009

Website News


Hello from South Africa!

We made it! It has been one month now since we left the states and we are enjoying every minute of it. We are staying at the Ywam base in Kruger, White River with an organization called Ten Thousand Homes. The staff here is absolutely amazing and has been so accommodating to our needs.

We are currently getting plugged into three different communities here; Kabokweni, Mbonisweni, and Dwahlini. Ten Thousand Homes supplies feeding programs at each one of these places for the orphans and vulnerable of the communities. We usually send two to three hours at each community getting to know the children and the native volunteers from the area. Playing games and singing songs seem to be what they most enjoy. These kids are blessed with extremely beautiful voices and bless us with them every time we arrive.

At Kabokweni there is a beautiful woman named Mrs. Elizabeth and she is doing great things for the community there. She puts on a feeding program twice a week which is usually pop (like a thick grit or cream of wheat) and meat stew (tripe or beef). This is taking place right out of her back door and before the feeding she gathers the kids in front and they sing songs and pray. After the feeding the kids have free time where we all go to the area in her backyard where they sing, dance, and play. There are plans in the making to build a learning center in this area where the kids could come to get help with their school work and just come to be loved. The area has already been cleared and we are waiting for the building plans to be revised. God is definitely doing great things there and we can feel it every time the children embrace us for a moment in their lives.

At Mbonisweni we have connected with a young pastor named Stimbiso. He is taking the youth of that community under his wing and doing an excellent job of guiding them. There was a mission team here from Orlando earlier in the month that raised the money to construct a house for a family in the community. The family is broken due to mental illnesses and Aids. Mimi, the mother of the family is mentally disabled so the Aunt was helping taking care of the two younger kids; a boy the age of 12 and a young girl that is 8. The Aunt has a girl of her own somewhere around 6. Unfortunately, the aunt periodically falls ill from AIDS and her daughter has to leave her home to stay with the mentally challenged mother, Mimi. She does not work, and receives a government grant of the equivalent of only $50/mo. The Orlando team are working long hours as we helped them construct this house in two short weeks. Great Job Orlando Team! There is a feeding program in this area once a week. We feel that the true heart of this community is going to be the youth. They are doing great things and the numbers are amazing. At Stimbiso’s church they have a youth group of about 50 or more and they are all in the choir. When they sing God is their spot light and it never fails that Goosebumps engulf my body and tears flood my eyes. You can feel the power of God in them.

Dwahlini is the newest community that we have reached out to. We started last week with a feeding program and skits from a mission team visiting us from Denver, Co called Kings Kids. We got to help with the cooking which was a blast. They kind of just through us in there maybe to get a laugh but they were very impressed! It was a great ground breaker for us. They showed us how to make POP. Wow that takes a while and a lot of work. But they invited us back to cook again. The house there is ran buy a group of about 9 ladies with the same goals in mind; to feed the kids and to share God’s love. We look forward to continually build a strong relationship with these ladies. There is a lot of room for future growth, help with studies, art and crafts, housing etc… Keep this in your prayers.

We just helped put on a Youth Sports Day at Mbonisweni where the kids from Kabokweni came to challenge Mbonisweni. The girls competed in a game called net ball which is like a combination between basketball and ultimate Frisbee then at the end of the day a quick game of soccer. The guys had a small Soccer tournament with three different teams. The last game came down to penalty shots with Mbonisweni coming out on top. It was a great thing to watch seeing two communities come together and compete against each other. We continue to see God work in miraculous ways and are reminded that God is everywhere!

We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the support and prayers and helping us to share our love with the communities here. With love and Gods will we can continue to bless the lives where we go.


The journey has begun! We have officially left our home in DFW and have arrived in New Haven, Connecticut to stay a few days with Aaron Garrison; a film maker following our progress. We will be leaving here on the 18th to visit London for one day and then we will continue onto South Africa scheduled to arrive on the 20th. We want to send a big THANK YOU to everyone back home. We could never have made it this far without the love and support of all of our family and friends. We want to give a special thanks to our Hope family. Without all of your support and encouragement we're not sure we could have come this far. It has been such a pleasure getting to know each one of you and you will most certainly see us again sooner than you think! We'll have pictures and videos to share as well. We also want to give a special thanks to our family back home; Dennis Emery, you played the biggest role in our journey and we are so grateful that God has put it on your heart to care so deeply about what we are doing. Also Angie Miller- we appreciate your hospitality over the last month or so. We love you all so much and we ask that you please keep in touch with us via e-mail and facebook. God bless you and we will pray for all of you in our absense!

-A and R


The website is almost finished! Ryan and I have officially set our departure date for June 15th (just three weeks away!) We're so excited to embark on the long journey to South Africa and to see my family again. We're tying up loose ends and saying our goodbyes, but the bitter-sweet experience of leaving home behind promises an exciting tomorrow. We want to give a special thanks to all the members of Hope Christian City Church for all the love and support we have received from our church family. We also want to give a special thanks to Aaron Garrison for all of his support through all of this. It has been so special to us that you have cared such a great deal about our well being when making these difficult decisions. We also want to give Aaron some recognition for the film he is working on about South Africa and the beauty of preserving it's culture.

We want to give thanks to all the friends and family who have personally invested in relationships with us. We will miss you guys. And a final big thanks to God for always making a way. He is bigger and the plan is greater than i ever imagined.