Thursday, October 8, 2009

When one door closes...

They say when one door closes God opens a window. I have to say that this is certainly proving true in my life in this moment. I came to Africa with little expectation and it got into my blood, my heart and soul in a way that I was not prepared for. Although I feel that it was right to cut our trip short to start a new chapter in life, I don't feel like any of this was in vain. Africa has changed me to my core and I will never be the same again. I love the pace of life here; taking the time to have a cup of tea with a friend will always come first before business (so naturally, relationship comes before timeliness.) I love the song that God has placed in every Africans heart and how singing comes just as naturally to them as regular conversation. I have to say what has truly inspired me that most about Africa is the thankfulness that the strong women of this continent have in the Lord to get them through any trial in their lives. The respect and love that they have for God is such a beautiful and awe inspiring thing that it has humbled me in a way that I desperately needed. My heart breaks for the children when I think about what they go home to every night; an empty stomach, a crowded one room house, no running water... It's hard to let these thoughts go on for too long when I take the time to look into their eyes and see the broad smile that stretches across their faces because they're happy to see me and they're happy to be alive.
Yes, my departure is bitter-sweet. I am leaving my short life here behind me for now to hopefully pick up again soon as a married woman with my loving husband by my side to embrace the world with me. We are at a place in our lives where God has a blank canvas in front of us and we can do anything. We have very few belongings, even less money and all the freedom that money can't buy. We have big dreams to travel the world and make a difference by following the hand that leads us. We wont linger long when we return home; we have the whole world to learn from! I don't believe I have ever been so liberated and thankful.
I am absolutely in love with it all.

1 comment:

  1. hallelujah, love. keep us posted on your plans and adventures :) - susan p.
