Every Morning I have a cup of this with honey and I've got to say, it's the best part of waking up! It's got tons of caffine and it's helped me kick the coffee habbit.

I'm just learning how to knit, but I've put a big project in front of me. I'm making 48 11"x11" sqaures sewn together in different patterns to make a large blanket. This was inspired by "Knit a Sqaure", a campagne introduced to the women in our community by
Jen. Different women sent us sqaures to knit together to make blankets for the orphans in our invested communities. They turned out great and inspired me to try to make one myself. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

I've always loves the T.V. series, but I've never given the book a chance. Carla, my step mother was nice enough to allow me to borrow her copy of THREE books in one. You know what they say, the book is always better :)

This I just bought today and spent over 5 hours writting, drawing etc. I'm really excited about having a new creative outlet and new way to speak to God.
Need I say more?!
I also love chai! Yum! Your squares look awesome in the pic!