Anyway, my 21st birthday was Nov. 4th and it was amazing! I didn't get too many pics but I'll post the ones I have. it started this way:
-Starbucks in bed
-Our first date all over again starting with my favorite sushi place in down town fort worth
-Followed by the botanical gardens. I once told Ryan that when I was little I went to the botanical gardens on a field trip and decided then that I wanted to get married in the rose gardens, but since we are having a Dec wedding it isn't possible. So, he took me there and proposed! My ring is so beautiful
-After that I got a CAR from Ryan's dad. Which totally rocks btw. We named her Zelda.

-Then We went out to eat and then to a Stars game. Afterwards I went to Mike Modano's bar and met the guy. Pretty sweet, eh? Did I mention the Yankees won the world series?

-Finally we went back to a family friend's house and hung out there to unwind for an hour or two. Probably the best day of my life

We've been keeping very busy now that we are back in the states. I start my job tomorrow at Chilis in fort worth, and Ryan is doing some leather work out of the garage to make ends meet. We're both in a really good place in our lives and we can't wait to see what God has in store for us next!